Out of the mouths of babes. This rockstar teen is using her voice for change!
This article, written by Lindsey Holt, rheumatologist Dr. Melissa Hawkins-Holt's teenage daughter, right before Thanksgiving, was shared widely and has made the rounds on Instagram, being shared over 400 times.
Her local Board of Education student representative read what Lindsey wrote and brought it up at a meeting.
Calorie tracking now no longer allowed in any county Health curriculum!!!!!! All high schools and middle schools in her home county are being notified immediately of the change.
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#eatingdisorders #mentalhealth #anorexia #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecovery #recovery #anxiety #depression #bulimia #eatingdisorder #selflove #selfcare #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #ed #anorexiarecovery #ocd #recoveryispossible #bingeeating #haes #mentalhealthmatters #ptsd #eatingdisorderawareness #ana #bulimiarecovery #selfacceptance #edfighter #edwarriors #bingeeatingdisorder
Great common sense from this young lady! Calorie-tracking is not only senseless as part of this assignment, but can initiate a very unhealthy cycle in teenagers.