Upload photos, videos, presentations, publication and media links.
Market your practice and highlight your expertise
Write Peer Reviews and help patients find doctors that you recommend
Request Peer Reviews to push unprofessional review site reviews down
Post feed content in a professional-social media environment
Have access to physician-led content on current hot topics in the Doqter’s Lounge
Together we can disseminate physician-led content and promote physician expertise in Medicine. Your voice matters - join the PR campaign!
Your voice matters!
Join TPC and support our PR campaign to educate the public about our profession. Additional benefits of membership include:
Access to the Physician Exclusive Doqter's Lounge where we discuss the hottest issues of concern to physicians in a safe and secure environment (with anonymous posting mode when needed).
View Survey results from the group on Employment, Jobs, and Hospital Review Data.
Joining together to create solutions through technology made by physicians for physicians.
Investment Opportunities
To inquire about physician investment opportunities you must log in as a physician.
Once you are logged in, you can access Investment Opportunities from your dashboard.
New Doctor Registration