The term 'nonmelanoma skin cancer' is often used to refer to basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. However, other less common forms of nonmelanoma skin cancers include:
• 'Adnexal' carcinomas, which arise from sweat glands, sebaceous glands (oil glands), and hair follicles
• Merkel cell cancer
• Sarcomas of the skin

'Keratinocyte' carcinoma refers specifically to skin cancers that arise from skin cells (keratinocytes) in the epidermis. Basal cell carcinomas comprise approximately 80% of keratinocyte carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas comprise approximately 20%.

The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that you see a dermatologist once a year for a full-body skin cancer screening. Individuals at higher risk for skin cancer may be screened more frequently. The Skin Cancer Foundation also recommends that you perform a monthly self-skin exam at home in a well-lit room.

You can find some helpful pointers on performing self-skin exams at:

Detect skin cancer: How to perform a skin self-exam

Follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists to increase your chances of spotting skin cancer early, when it’s most treatable.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a form of hair loss treatment that can harness and amplify the body’s unique natural growth factors to support hair growth.

The growth factors restore favorable conditions by:
1. Stimulating the proliferation of hair stem cells
2. Improving circulation to the hair follicles by stimulating the formation of new blood vessels around the hair follicles
3. Extending the growth phase cycle of the hair

Medical studies demonstrate PRP treatment:
• Increases hair count
• Increases hair density
• Increases individual hair shaft thickness
• Slows further hair thinning

Ask your dermatologist today if PRP is right for you!

#LOVE educating our patients on all modalities for #HairReduction and #HairRemoval: from home #Depilation devices and creams, to safe and effective medical grade #Light sources and #Laser devices.

The NeoGraft system for Hair Transplantation can facilitate a high success rate and longer lasting results. Both men and women can undergo this procedure successfully.

September is PCOS awareness month. PCOS affects 1 in 10 women and has many symptoms. Among those is excess facial and body hair. Laser hair removal can be a great treatment option. A series of treatments done every 4-6 weeks significantly decreases the rate of growth and eliminates the need for painful or embarrassing methods like waxing or shaving.