Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a form of hair loss treatment that can harness and amplify the body’s unique natural growth factors to support hair growth.

The growth factors restore favorable conditions by:
1. Stimulating the proliferation of hair stem cells
2. Improving circulation to the hair follicles by stimulating the formation of new blood vessels around the hair follicles
3. Extending the growth phase cycle of the hair

Medical studies demonstrate PRP treatment:
• Increases hair count
• Increases hair density
• Increases individual hair shaft thickness
• Slows further hair thinning

Ask your dermatologist today if PRP is right for you!

Even patients with long-standing #arthritis can see an improvement in mobility after #Stem #Cell #Therapy treatment.

#StemCell treatments are successfully used to regenerate new tissues and treat multiple degenerative conditions, such as #osteoarthritis. The procedure is minimally invasive and has a very high success rate.