Recently, psoriasis has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease. Imaging studies have confirmed the presence of increased plaque formation in the coronary arteries in patients with psoriasis. In particular, psoriasis patients have an increased risk of developing unstable types of coronary artery plaques. These plaques may rupture, leading to heart attack and stroke.

But there is good news!

There is evidence that biologic treatments for psoriasis are associated with a significant reduction in high-risk plaques in the arteries of the heart. Biologic medications (innovative medications given as injections or infusions) have been shown to suppress the inflammation that drives both psoriasis and the development of plaque formation in the arteries. Imaging tests have demonstrated a significant reduction in high-risk plaques in arteries in psoriasis patients one year after starting biologic treatment.

#Heart #Disease is the #1 Cause of Death in Women (all ages and ethnicities) in the U.S., with 22% of all women deaths yearly being due to it. Visit your #Primary #Care doctor every year and implement #Lifestyle modifications that can help reduce your risk of heart disease: #healthy #diet, adequate #sleep, daily #activity and #exercise, and #Stress #Reduction.
#HeartDisease #HeartAttack #Hypertension #PrimaryCare #Cardiology #Prevention #PreventiveMedicine

Heart Disease is the Number 1 Cause of Death for Women in the United States, killing almost 300,000 women in 2017. In order to decrease your risk of Heart Disease, please follow these general recommendations:
* Exercise 30 min daily at least 3 days/week
* Eat a healthy, balanced diet, low in fat and processed foods
* Avoid drinking excess alcohol
* Stop cigarette smoking
* Manage stress by practicing Coping Techniques

Patient Health Coaching can start as early as childhood! When children are involved in their own care and understand the benefits of lifestyle modifications on their health, they can achieve positive, long lasting results in the management of chronic health conditions. These include diabetes, obesity, heart disease, mental illness, and learning disabilities.

New CDC study that looked at more than 80,000 US adults hospitalized with #flu, found sudden heart complications had occurred in 1 out of every 8 patients. This flu season, get your flu vaccine to reduce the risk of flu complications, including sudden onset of heart disease.